Sunday, January 31, 2010

February 1 - 5

Unit 1 - Sensitivity to Color
Current Project
: Expressive Color Glazing (click here for the project rubric.)
Objectives: Complete their DP1 still life grisaille painting with the following-
  • Thorough knowledge of color theory made through an exploration of color theory in their VVJ
  • Correctly create color glazing layers for grisaille
  • Create an expressive color layer for the still life
  • Present the finished painting to the class and defend their color choice and application.

  • Monday: Homework is due and "Audition" statements for our Famous Artist Ning! Work on the color glazing.
  • Tuesday: Work on your color glazing. Cut and prepare matboard with gesso for our next project. Draw names for your famous artist or be assigned by your audition statements.
  • Wednesday: Critique your color glazing.
  • Thursday: Begin Non-Objective painting.
  • Friday: Journal day! It will be interesting! Promise!
Homework: Gestural drawing of a soda bottle or can on a table with one other object, 4 total drawings due. Due by next monday, February 1.

Friday, January 29, 2010

January 29, Friday

Journal Day
Supplies: watercolor in tubes, watercolor palette, black oil pastel, copy paper, scissors, glue

With quiet reflective music playing - follow these directions:
  • Choose a color from the watercolor palette that matches how you feel about the music and paint the double-page spread
  • Use the copy paper and cut some shapes from the paper - geometric or organic
  • Using the shapes you have cut out, place them anywhere on the page. Use a dot of glue to hold it in place
  • Listen to the rhythm of the music of a few seconds.
  • Using the pastel, make lines across the page in a rhythm that reminds you of the music. Make visual music. (Be careful not move the cut paper you have glued down)
  • When complete with the lines, remove the paper shapes
  • Using a black pen, find some space to write about the experience. How did you feel at first? When did you get into the rhythm of the music?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28, Thursday

Work on color glazing the painting. Layer in the color to give it depth.

Remember: you are looking for a focal point made through color.

Class Critique on color glazing: Wednesday, February 4th.

Journal day tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 27th, Wednesday - January 28th, Thursday

Work on your developing your color response to your grisaille painting. You will need a focal point (what is the main emphasis of your painting?). Use color to create some meaning from your color visual notes.

Layer the color - build up a the color you want.

The plan is to have a critique on Monday over paintings. There will be a color test next week.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Quotes for the First Three Weeks

January 12: "A man paints with his brains and not his hands." - Michelangelo

January 19: "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." - Pablo Picasso

January 25: "The essence of drawing is line exploring space." - Andy Goldsworthy

Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 25 - 29

Unit 1 - Sensitivity to Color
Current Project
: Expressive Color Glazing (click here for the project rubric.)
Objectives: Complete their DP1 still life grisaille painting with the following-
  • Thorough knowledge of color theory made through an exploration of color theory in their VVJ
  • Correctly create color glazing layers for grisaille
  • Create an expressive color layer for the still life
  • Present the finished painting to the class and defend their color choice and application.

  • Monday: Homework is due! Work on last two visual notes pages and/or making any finishing touches to your still life from last year.
  • Tuesday: Riverwood Visual Arts video - so you can decide about next year. Color glazing demo. Complete any finishing touches on your underpainting before color glazing.
  • Wednesday: Registration Day! Short class, ouch! Discuss our Social Network, Field Trips, and becoming a famous artist!
  • Thursday: Work on color glazing. Last two visual notes pages due!
  • Friday: Journal day! It will be interesting! Promise!
Homework: Gestural drawing of a soda bottle or can on a table with one other object, 4 total drawings due. Due by next monday, February 1.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 11 - 15

Unit 1 - Sensitivity to Color
Current Project
: Expressive Color Glazing (click here for the project rubric.)
Objectives: Complete their DP1 still life grisaille painting with the following-
  • Thorough knowledge of color theory made through an exploration of color theory in their VVJ
  • Correctly create color glazing layers for grisaille
  • Create an expressive color layer for the still life
  • Present the finished painting to the class and defend their color choice and application.

  • Monday: Work on Color Wheel and Value Wheel
  • Tuesday: Begin color notes on Warm and Cool colors.
  • Wednesday: Work on visual notes.
  • Thursday: Begin working on Anaglous Colors.
  • Friday: Introduce how to make gestural study drawings for the homework assignment.
Homework: Gestural drawing of a soda bottle or can on a table with one other object, 4 total drawings due. Due by next monday, January 18.

Quote for the week:

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 5 - 8

Unit 1 - Sensitivity to Color
Current Project
: Expressive Color Glazing (click here for the project rubric.)
Objectives: Complete their DP1 still life grisaille painting with the following-

  • Thorough knowledge of color theory made through an exploration of color theory in their VVJ
  • Correctly create color glazing layers for grisaille
  • Create an expressive color layer for the still life
  • Present the finished painting to the class and defend their color choice and application.

  • Tuesday: Review course syllabus and begin color theory visual notes assignment.
  • Wednesday - Friday: Introduce how to make gestural study drawings for the homework assignment. Work on color theory visual notes.

Homework: Gestural drawing of a soda bottle or can on a table with one other object. Due by next monday, January 11.

Quote for the week: It's a quote-free week. Yeah!