Sunday, February 28, 2010

March 1-5

Current Project: Abstract Still Life Paintings

Objectives: Create an abstract composition from a still life drawing. Use two tertiary intensity scales to create a composition that has color balance and a controlled use of color mixing. Project Directions

Journal Project: Famous Artist page. Use a portion of a favorite artwork by your artist. Include it in a page and create beyond the borders using their style to complete the page. Incorporate some aspect of their love life into what you add to the portion of the artwork. Due on Friday, March 5th.

  • Monday - Wednesday: Continue working on abstract still life.
  • Thursday: Paintings are due. Introduce gesture drawing.
  • Friday: Work on gesture drawing.

Artist Cafe Assignments:

DP4 Assignments:
Classwork: Studio Project #2 is past due!(Due Dates must be set with Ms. Munson on Monday - i.e. make sure I write it down). Begin researching for a new project. Fill out a project form and turn it in this week.

Journal:Weird perspective drawings - make 5 double page spreads of unusual perspectives - under tables, in corners of the ceiling, under the faucet - THIS IS TO BE OBSERVATIONAL. You can't invent these pages. Add color - it can be expressionistic.

Homework: Watercolor practice in your journal (Due by Monday, February 22). Practice the following techniques:
wet in wet, dry brushing, oil pastel resist, salt in deep color, rubbing alcohol in deep color, sponging wet color, masking with rubber cement

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 24, Wednesday

What you need today: painting progress, scissors, glue

Today is a short day thanks to an Early Release Day.

If you have not painted your matboard - do so today, or you will have to come in on your own time so you won't get behind.

Locate your first color on your color coded abstraction. Cut out the pieces of the freezer paper for those colors. LIGHTLY glue them down to your board in the correct positions for the total composition.

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: Find and print ONE PAINTING by your famous artist. Due on Friday, February 26!

Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22 - 26

Current Project: Abstract Still Life Paintings

Objectives: Create an abstract composition from a still life drawing. Use two tertiary intensity scales to create a composition that has color balance and a controlled use of color mixing.

Journal Project: Famous Artist page. Use a portion of a favorite artwork by your artist. Include it in a page and create beyond the borders using their style to complete the page. Incorporate some aspect of their love life into what you add to the portion of the artwork. Due on Friday, March 5th.

  • Monday: Begin color coding your abstract drawings in color pencil. Complete first paint layer.
  • Tuesday: Cut-out the first color layer from your freezer paper pattern. Position your pattern pieces on your matboard and lightly adhere them with matte medium. Paint your second color.
  • Wednesday: Cut out and adhere the second color pattern. Half-day.
  • Thursday: Paint third layer and cutout for the fourth layer.
  • Friday: Work on your journal assignment.

Artist Cafe Assignments:

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19, Friday

What you need today: abstracted drawing, journal, acrylic paint, brushes

Homework drawing is due on Monday, Feb. 22!

Abstract Painting: (If you do NOT have an adequate intensity scale, you will have to redo both before beginning these steps!)
  1. Choose your b/g color from your two intensity scales.
  2. Tape your matboard to a drawing board and paint the matboard a light value of one of your BRIGHEST colors from your intensity scale.
  3. Transfer your abstracted drawing to a piece of FREEZER Paper. MAKE SURE YOU DRAW ON THE "PAPER" SIDE.
  4. Go back to your intensity scales and choose 5 colors. Color code each color using colored pencils.
  5. On your freezer paper drawing - color code your abstraction. REMEMBER TO HAVE COLOR BALANCE.

ARTIST CAFE: Complete the "Personal Ad" forum by Monday, Feb. 22. Post a reply to the "technology" forum by Friday, Feb. 27

Classwork: Studio Project #2 (Due Dates must be set with Ms. Munson on Monday - i.e. make sure I write it down). Begin researching for a new project. Fill out a project form and turn it in this week.

Homework: Watercolor practice in your journal (Due by Friday, February 27). Practice the following techniques:
wet in wet, dry brushing, oil pastel resist, salt in deep color, rubbing alcohol in deep color, sponging wet color, masking with rubber cement

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 18, Wednesday

What you need today: abstracted drawing, journal, acrylic paint, brushes

Abstracted drawing due!

The in-school field for this Thursday has been CHANGED to just your regular DP2 class period. YOU DO NOT NEED TO GET YOUR FORM FILLED OUT!!

Abstract Painting:
Decide on your color scheme. You can use only TERTIARY or INTERMEDIATE colors for this assignment. CHOOSE TWO, and make intensity scales for your colors. Using acrylic paint, create two separate intensity scales for your chosen colors. Paint the intensity scales in your journal.

When you are done with the intensity scales, get a drawing board and tape down a gessoed matboard. Transfer your abstracted drawing to FREEZER PAPER.

HOMEWORK NEXT WEEK, 1 still life drawing in your journal in pen.

Classwork: Studio Project #2 (Due Dates must be set with Ms. Munson on Monday - i.e. make sure I write it down). Begin researching for a new project. Fill out a project form and turn it in this week.

Journal: 5 journal pages (double-page spreads) based on any book you are reading for Lit class (Due by Thursday 2/11).

Homework: Watercolor practice in your journal (Due by Monday, February 22). Practice the following techniques:
wet in wet, dry brushing, oil pastel resist, salt in deep color, rubbing alcohol in deep color, sponging wet color, masking with rubber cement

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16 - 19, Quote of the week

"I passionately hate the idea of being with "it," I think an artist has always got to be out of step with his time." -Orson Welles

Orson Welles was both an award-winning actor and a director. What do you think "it" is? What is "out of step"?

Monday, February 15, 2010

February 16, Tuesday

What you need today: abstracted drawing, journal, acrylic paint, brushes

Review the Field Trip and the "Artist Cafe".

The in-school field for this Thursday has been CHANGED to just your regular DP2 class period. YOU DO NOT NEED TO GET YOUR FORM FILLED OUT!!

Abstract Painting:
After you have abstracted your drawing, you must decide on your color scheme. You can use only TERTIARY or INTERMEDIATE colors for this assignment. CHOOSE TWO, and make intensity scales for your colors. Using acrylic paint, create two separate intensity scales for your chosen colors. Paint the intensity scales in your journal.

HOMEWORK IS DUE, 1 still life drawing in your journal in pen.

Classwork: Studio Project #2 (Due Dates must be set with Ms. Munson on Monday - i.e. make sure I write it down). Begin researching for a new project. Fill out a project form and turn it in this week.

Journal: 5 journal pages (double-page spreads) based on any book you are reading for Lit class (Due by Thursday 2/11).

Homework: Watercolor practice in your journal (Due by Monday, February 22). Practice the following techniques:
wet in wet, dry brushing, oil pastel resist, salt in deep color, rubbing alcohol in deep color, sponging wet color, masking with rubber cement

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10, Wednesday

We are working on abstracting our still life drawings so we can begin painting on Tuesday.

Artist Cafe Assignment -- Combine a photo of yourself and a painting, self-portrait, or photo of your artist. You can put yourself into a landscape, or change out the face of the artist in picture. Upload it to your Artist page by next Thursday.

Field Trip tomorrow to the High Museum.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday, February 9

Abstract and Non-Objective painting Power Point to introduce just a few artists who paint in that style.

To begin your first abstract, take one of your homework drawings and redraw it focusing on shape and design rather than recreating an object. Use the 12x14 newsprint in class so it can be transferred to the painting.

If you don't have a strong homework drawing, you will have to make sure you have one by tomorrow.

Monday, February 8, 2010

February 8, Monday

What you need today: painting

We will complete our color glazing critiques. The paintings are due tomorrow. All field trip forms are due tomorrow. All students need to be registered for our Artist cafe by midnight tonight.

Friday, February 5, 2010

February 5, Friday

What you need today -- Montmartre Cafe Assignments 1&2 plus research assignments

We are going to the media center to work on our artist sites.
Here are the assignments:

You need to register for our site. Go to

Click on Register and sign up for our site.

1. Once you are at the site, your first job is to set up your Artist Page. You need to include your name into the name of the artist. My example is: Pablo Munsoncasso. You can be straight forward with it, or be creative.

2. Answer the following questions about your artist:

Where did you live?

What was your preferred art medium?

What was the date and manner of your death?

3. Leave the question about influences alone for now?

You can add a current picture of yourself for now and we will work on an artist picture next in your journal to replace the temporary photo.

Assignment #2 – Love of my life Forum

Research your artist and find out who (or who all) were the love(s) of your life. If there is any artwork you can of this person(s), then add it to your entry. You need to post to this forum by Friday, February 12.

Research Sites

You do need to keep track of the sites where you find your information. On your artist page, at the bottom is a field for “Where can you find out information about me?” By logging the sites you find your information on, you are also leaving a trail for yourself to go back and find more information later as more forum assignments are added.

If you use Wikipedia, remember it is only a beginning point and you need more credible sites. Scroll to the bottom of the Wiki pages and go to the other sources listed for you artist, time, period, invention, music, literature, etc.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4, Thursday

We took our color test today! Since there was no time to critique after the test today, I moved the date the color glazing is due to Tuesday, February 9th.

I will actually grade your journals tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3, Wednesday

What you need today? Painting, color glazing rubric

We will be critiquing our color glazing. Each student will present his or her painting to the class and explain how they created a focal point using color. This is a formal presentation and you will be graded on your presentation.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2, Tuesday

What you need today: paintings in progress, acrylic paint

Finish up glazing. Critique tomorrow.

Gesso boards for our next project.

Artist names were chosen today for our NiNG and the first assignment was handed out.

You need to register for our site. Go to

Click on Register and sign up for our site.

1. Once you are at the site, your first job is to set up your Artist Page. You need to include your name into the name of the artist. My example is: Pablo Munsoncasso. You can be straight forward with it, or be creative.

2. Answer the following questions about your artist:

Where did you live?

What was your preferred art medium?

What was the date and manner of your death?

3. Leave the question about influences alone for now?

You can add a current picture of yourself for now and we will work on an artist picture next in your journal to replace the temporary photo.

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1, Monday

Work on color glazing.

Homework is due.

"Audition" statements are due for your Famous Artist Choice.

Color Glazing critique is Wednesday, February 3!
Quote for the week: An artist cannot speak about his art any more than a plant can discuss horticulture." - Jean Cocteau
  • Jean Cocteau was a French poet and playwright who was friends with many artists who worked in Paris, most notable is Pablo Picasso.
  • Horticulture is the industry and science of growing plants.