Sunday, March 28, 2010

Working with Watercolor Power Point

Making a Still LIfe Personal Power Point

March 29 - April 2

Watercolor Still Life

Project Objectives: make a watercolor painting with the following:

    · Create a strong composition based on observing a still life with personal objects

    · Demonstrate a strong understanding of value through color

    · Use color theory to correctly paint the objects and shadows of the still life

    · Correctly use appropriate watercolor techniques to complete the still life

  • Monday: Demo watercolor techniques and how to make a still life personal power point. Gesture with environment and Folder is due.
  • Tuesday: Complete watercolor techniques. Begin drawing for the watercolor mini-lab.
  • Wednesday: Introduce watercolor through Power point. Work on mini-lab. Begin setting up still life as objects come in.
  • Thursday - Friday. Complete the watercolor mini-lab and begin setting up still life as objects come in.

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22 - 26

How can the direction of your brushstroke create a mood or feeling?

Objectives: Create an abstract gestural figure in acrylic paint with

  • An expressive color scheme
  • A strong understanding of brushstrokes
  • Incorporate mixed media along to enhance the movement of the brushstrokes
  • Use a good gesture drawing with a strong outline contour create a focal point

  • Monday - Tuesday: Work on textures painting. Begin watercolor techniques by making analogous groupings. Homework drawing and Folder is due on Monday. Any make-up Artist Cafe assignments are due.
  • Wednesday: Critique both the Abstract Still Life and the Gestural Brushstroke paintings.
  • Thursday: Work on watercolor techniques.
  • Friday: Work on watercolor techniques. Homework make a gestural drawing with environment but use pencil, due on Monday, March 29.

Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19, Class Assignments

We will critique the Abstract Still Life and Textural Gestures on Wednesday, March 25.

Homework: Draw a gestural figure and the environment he/she is in. Use black pen and make value. Due on Monday, March 22.

Artist Cafe - Make-up two ZERO assignments. You must let me know what you are making up.

Folder Check on Monday.

Past Quotes (b/c I told someone this was online - what was I thinking):
  • That which is static and repetitive is boring. That which is dynamic and random is confusing. In between is Art. - John Locke
  • Photography is nature seen form the eyes outwards. Painting is nature seen from the eyes inwards. - Charles Sheeler
  • Art is the only work open to people who can't get along with others and still want to feel special. -Alastair Gray
  • Art is either plagiarism or revolution. -Paul Gaugin
  • I passionately hate the idea of being with it, I think an artist has always to be out of step with is time. -Orson Welles
  • An artist cannot speak about his art any more than a plant can discuss horticulture. -Jean Cocteau
  • The essence of drawing is line exploring space. -Andy Goldsworthy
  • Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. -Pablo Picasso
  • A man paints with his brains and not with his hands. -Michelangelo

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15 - 19

How can the direction of your brushstroke create a mood or feeling?

Objectives: Create an abstract gestural figure in acrylic paint with

  • An expressive color scheme
  • A strong understanding of brushstrokes
  • Incorporate mixed media along to enhance the movement of the brushstrokes
  • Use a good gesture drawing with a strong outline contour create a focal point

  • Monday - Tueday: Gesture Drawing. Homework drawing is due.
  • Wednesday: Discuss what a "Brushstroke" is and the project. Work on gestural figure with contour outline.
  • Thursday: Work on gestural painting. Folders are due.

How can the direction of your brushstroke create a mood or feeling?

Objectives: Create an abstract gestural figure in acrylic paint with

  • An expressive color scheme
  • A strong understanding of brushstrokes
  • Incorporate mixed media along to enhance the movement of the brushstrokes
  • Use a good gesture drawing with a strong outline contour create a focal point

  • Monday: Think about your pose and decide what the expression is. How can you talk about it in color. Use light and bright color to paint a texture for the gesture. Homework drawing is due.
  • Tuesday: Cover your initial layer of paint with your acetate gesture. Choose a second color, use a dark and dull version of the color. It should be expressive. Paint around the figure and remove the acetate.
  • Wednesday: Critique over Abstract Still Life paintings. Journal assignment will be given out. Begin tearing paper for your texture. Use matte medium to add paper texture.
  • Thursday: Complete the texture and begin painting final texture.
  • Friday: Complete painting. Discuss still life possibilities. Work on journal assignment. Folders are due!

Artist Cafe Assignments: Due Saturday March 20, you can make up TWO of the assignments if you did complete one on time.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 8 - 11

Current Project: Gesture Painting with Mixed Media Brushstrokes

How can the direction of your brushstroke create a mood or feeling?

Objectives: Create an abstract gestural figure in acrylic paint with

  • An expressive color scheme
  • A strong understanding of brushstrokes
  • Incorporate mixed media along to enhance the movement of the brushstrokes
  • Use a good gesture drawing with a strong outline contour create a focal point

  • Monday - Tueday: Gesture Drawing. 2nd period has a still life drawing due and 3rd has two gesture drawings due.
  • Wednesday: Discuss what a "Brushstroke" is and the project. Work on gestural figure with contour outline.
  • Thursday: Work on gestural painting. Abstract Still Life paintings are due. Project Rubric.

Artist Cafe Assignments: Due Staurday March 13, a response to another artist's My Best Known Artwork Posting. Choose your least favorite work on the forum and post a response that explains why it is not your favorite.

Gesture drawing in 3rd period

March 7 Artist Cafe Assignment

Choose an artist from the forum (other than yourself) and write about what you think of the work posted. Don't choose your favorite - CHOOSE YOUR LEAST FAVORITE, and write why it is not pleasing to you. "I don't like this one because ...."

Due Saturday, March 13th by midnight!