Sunday, March 28, 2010
Working with Watercolor Power Point
March 29 - April 2
Watercolor Still Life
Project Objectives: make a watercolor painting with the following:
- Monday: Demo watercolor techniques and how to make a still life personal power point. Gesture with environment and Folder is due.
- Tuesday: Complete watercolor techniques. Begin drawing for the watercolor mini-lab.
- Wednesday: Introduce watercolor through Power point. Work on mini-lab. Begin setting up still life as objects come in.
- Thursday - Friday. Complete the watercolor mini-lab and begin setting up still life as objects come in.
· Create a strong composition based on observing a still life with personal objects
· Demonstrate a strong understanding of value through color
· Use color theory to correctly paint the objects and shadows of the still life
· Correctly use appropriate watercolor techniques to complete the still life
Monday, March 22, 2010
March 22 - 26
How can the direction of your brushstroke create a mood or feeling?
Objectives: Create an abstract gestural figure in acrylic paint with
- An expressive color scheme
- A strong understanding of brushstrokes
- Incorporate mixed media along to enhance the movement of the brushstrokes
- Use a good gesture drawing with a strong outline contour create a focal point
- Monday - Tuesday: Work on textures painting. Begin watercolor techniques by making analogous groupings. Homework drawing and Folder is due on Monday. Any make-up Artist Cafe assignments are due.
- Wednesday: Critique both the Abstract Still Life and the Gestural Brushstroke paintings.
- Thursday: Work on watercolor techniques.
- Friday: Work on watercolor techniques. Homework make a gestural drawing with environment but use pencil, due on Monday, March 29.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
March 19, Class Assignments
Homework: Draw a gestural figure and the environment he/she is in. Use black pen and make value. Due on Monday, March 22.
Artist Cafe - Make-up two ZERO assignments. You must let me know what you are making up.
Folder Check on Monday.
Past Quotes (b/c I told someone this was online - what was I thinking):
- That which is static and repetitive is boring. That which is dynamic and random is confusing. In between is Art. - John Locke
- Photography is nature seen form the eyes outwards. Painting is nature seen from the eyes inwards. - Charles Sheeler
- Art is the only work open to people who can't get along with others and still want to feel special. -Alastair Gray
- Art is either plagiarism or revolution. -Paul Gaugin
- I passionately hate the idea of being with it, I think an artist has always to be out of step with is time. -Orson Welles
- An artist cannot speak about his art any more than a plant can discuss horticulture. -Jean Cocteau
- The essence of drawing is line exploring space. -Andy Goldsworthy
- Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. -Pablo Picasso
- A man paints with his brains and not with his hands. -Michelangelo
Monday, March 15, 2010
March 15 - 19
How can the direction of your brushstroke create a mood or feeling?
Objectives: Create an abstract gestural figure in acrylic paint with
- An expressive color scheme
- A strong understanding of brushstrokes
- Incorporate mixed media along to enhance the movement of the brushstrokes
- Use a good gesture drawing with a strong outline contour create a focal point
- Monday - Tueday: Gesture Drawing. Homework drawing is due.
- Wednesday: Discuss what a "Brushstroke" is and the project. Work on gestural figure with contour outline.
- Thursday: Work on gestural painting. Folders are due.
How can the direction of your brushstroke create a mood or feeling? Objectives: Create an abstract gestural figure in acrylic paint with Artist Cafe Assignments: Due Saturday March 20, you can make up TWO of the assignments if you did complete one on time.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
March 8 - 11
Current Project: Gesture Painting with Mixed Media Brushstrokes
How can the direction of your brushstroke create a mood or feeling?
Objectives: Create an abstract gestural figure in acrylic paint with
- An expressive color scheme
- A strong understanding of brushstrokes
- Incorporate mixed media along to enhance the movement of the brushstrokes
- Use a good gesture drawing with a strong outline contour create a focal point
- Monday - Tueday: Gesture Drawing. 2nd period has a still life drawing due and 3rd has two gesture drawings due.
- Wednesday: Discuss what a "Brushstroke" is and the project. Work on gestural figure with contour outline.
- Thursday: Work on gestural painting. Abstract Still Life paintings are due. Project Rubric.
Artist Cafe Assignments: Due Staurday March 13, a response to another artist's My Best Known Artwork Posting. Choose your least favorite work on the forum and post a response that explains why it is not your favorite.