Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15 - 19

How can the direction of your brushstroke create a mood or feeling?

Objectives: Create an abstract gestural figure in acrylic paint with

  • An expressive color scheme
  • A strong understanding of brushstrokes
  • Incorporate mixed media along to enhance the movement of the brushstrokes
  • Use a good gesture drawing with a strong outline contour create a focal point

  • Monday - Tueday: Gesture Drawing. Homework drawing is due.
  • Wednesday: Discuss what a "Brushstroke" is and the project. Work on gestural figure with contour outline.
  • Thursday: Work on gestural painting. Folders are due.

How can the direction of your brushstroke create a mood or feeling?

Objectives: Create an abstract gestural figure in acrylic paint with

  • An expressive color scheme
  • A strong understanding of brushstrokes
  • Incorporate mixed media along to enhance the movement of the brushstrokes
  • Use a good gesture drawing with a strong outline contour create a focal point

  • Monday: Think about your pose and decide what the expression is. How can you talk about it in color. Use light and bright color to paint a texture for the gesture. Homework drawing is due.
  • Tuesday: Cover your initial layer of paint with your acetate gesture. Choose a second color, use a dark and dull version of the color. It should be expressive. Paint around the figure and remove the acetate.
  • Wednesday: Critique over Abstract Still Life paintings. Journal assignment will be given out. Begin tearing paper for your texture. Use matte medium to add paper texture.
  • Thursday: Complete the texture and begin painting final texture.
  • Friday: Complete painting. Discuss still life possibilities. Work on journal assignment. Folders are due!

Artist Cafe Assignments: Due Saturday March 20, you can make up TWO of the assignments if you did complete one on time.

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